U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Apprehends 4th Austin Homicide Suspect Sought in Deadly Shooting
DescriptionAustin, TX – Members of the U.S. Marshals-led Lone Star Fugitive Task Force (LSFTF) Wednesday arrested a fourth man sought in connection to an April 28, 2024, Austin murder.
Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at Meeting with U.S. Attorneys on Violent Crime
DescriptionRemarks as Delivered
Washington, DC - Good [afternoon]. In just a few minutes, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and I will be meeting with all 93 of our U.S. Attorneys, and with the heads of the Department’s law enforcement components, to discuss our summer anti-violent crime strategy.
Operation Boo Dat 2020 Scares Up Multiple Arrests/Locates Across New Orleans Metro Area
DescriptionNew Orleans, LA – The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) New Orleans Task Force (U.S. Marshals Service Eastern District of Louisiana) sponsored its annual Operation Boo Dat 2020 from October 19 to December 11, 2020.