USMS Deputies Run Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay
By Michelle C. Hamilton, Chief of Staff
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The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) showcased remarkable dedication on March 23rd and 24th, 2024, by honoring and paying tribute to fallen heroes U.S. Marshal (USM) Kenneth Muir and Deputy U.S. Marshal (DUSM) Robert Cheshire at the Baker to Vegas (B2V) Challenge Cup Relay. The B2V race isn’t just a run; it’s a grueling test of endurance, grit, and camaraderie like no other. Running 120-miles through Death Valley over the course of two-days, facing extreme temperatures ranging from scorching heat to bone-chilling cold, this race pushes Deputies to their limits and beyond. Despite formidable challenges, our three USMS teams exhibited athleticism, unwavering dedication, and profound commitment to honoring the fallen heroes within our USMS Family. The USMS Elite Running Team, USMS Women’s Blue Team, and USMS Women’s Silver Team all proudly represented the USMS this past weekend, with the Elite team securing 6th place in their category and “mugging” (an award granted to the highest achieving teams).
Each team, made up of 20 runners who are sworn DUSMs, alternate runners who are also sworn DUSMs, support staff, and volunteers – train throughout the year to prepare for this historical event that pushes the limits of endurance, mental stamina, athleticism, and willpower. During the race, each runner wears the names of the DUSMs who died in the line of duty and work as a team to carry the baton across the finish line. While supported by the Agency, each team is funded entirely by the runners and donations, team members use their leave to participate with the majority returning year after year.
The B2V race is the largest law enforcement event of its kind and brings together law enforcement teams from all around the world to offer a positive event in support of law enforcement today. It challenges individual participants, mentally and physically, and compels teamwork. The sense of accomplishment and shared work builds camaraderie and pride and brings together elite DUSMs and team members from around the agency. Most importantly, it is a means to reflect and remember our fallen. It’s a reminder of why we dedicate our lives to this law enforcement mission. This year, both teams ran in memory of USM Muir and DUSM Cheshire. Their line of duty deaths on February 13, 1983, stemmed from a harrowing gun battle during a standoff in North Dakota, and underscore the inherent risks faced by law enforcement. Despite this tragic loss, the USMS’s commitment to honoring their legacy was evident in the teams’ participation and unwavering resolve. As preparations for future B2Vs commence, the USMS encourages participation and support, emphasizing the collective spirit that drives these teams forward. The dedication of runners, alternates, support staff, and volunteers reflects a culture of unity, resilience, and remembrance, ensuring that USMS fallen are honored and their legacy upheld.
We couldn’t be prouder of our three teams representing the USMS, for their relentless determination, their tireless training throughout the year, and their spirit in the face of adversity. As each team crosses the finish line, they not only achieve personal victories, but also carry forward the legacy of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country. They are true champions embodying the essence of what it means to be part of the USMS Family – honoring our fallen, supporting one another, and inspiring us all to reach new heights.
Additional information about the U.S. Marshals Service can be found at
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